
March - June 2023

Project Type

Class Project


UX Designer
Interaction Designer
Visual Designer

Project Background

Eating healthy can be challenging especially when the process contains frustrating user journeys. FlavorLabs aims to provide a pain free recipe posting, saving, and sharing experience as an attempt to remove one more roadblock towards healthier diets.


Support social functionality in the recipe discovery process.


Redesign recipe posting with a focus on limiting typing.


Support meal planning, dietary, and allergen user needs.


Create experiences that promote healthy diets.



Mar - Jun 2023


UX Designer
Interaction Designer
Visual Designer

Project Type

Class Project

Starting the process


My primary motivation for this project was the universal human experience of interacting with food, and how that could be improved for better health. By following the UX design process, my first step was conducting research to better understand this problem.

Competitive Analysis

A competitive analysis was conducted based on seven value scenarios I discovered through preliminary research. Each service was ranked on a scale based on if a value scenario was supported, partially supported, or absent in their product.

Competitive analysis of comparable platforms


Problem Statement

Recipe services depend on third-party mechanisms for social engagement, complicating the user journey in the process. Additionally these services don't support dietary restrictions or meal planning. The combination of these pain points drove the following question.


How can a recipe app be redesigned to improve user experiences as a path for healthier eating?


An important step was making sure user needs are prioritized, so any redesigns were grounded with the following personas.

Primary Persona

Name: Sarah

Age: 57

Occupation: Teacher

Sarah is an aging mother with lots of cooking experience. She has always wanted to share her recipes online for her children as well as anyone interested in trying her cooking. Having a pain free method that enables this is a top priority for Sarah since she plans to post multiple in the future.

Secondary Persona

Name: Travis

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Travis is an incoming college student who has just started living independently. His biggest struggle is eating healthy since convenient food is commonly unhealthy. However in an attempt to fix his diet Travis frequently tries to find healthy recipes online that are quick, cheap, and easy.


Design Ideation

From the research insights and problem statement, two major design directions were selected for implementation into FlavorLabs. Other opportunities such as revising the recipe posting experience was considered in the process.

No social implementation in designs

Integrate social media-inspired designs such as adding friends and messaging.

Dietary needs are unsupported

Have a resource for users to see which diets are supported in a recipe.

Recipe posting not always offered

Enable recipe posting, and make the process easier for users.

Information Architecture

Having an organized hierarchy was a guiding step through this process. A structure inspired from social media apps was used for familiarity with users and social implementation.

IA Diagram

User Flow Diagrams

A recipe discovery and sharing user flow diagram was created to plan out each user journey. Each flow was simplified in an attempt to not overcomplicate the navigation process.

User flow for recipe discovery

User flow for sharing recipe

Prototype and Test

Lo-Fi Prototype

A low-fidelity prototype was made to test the current user flows. The primary focus for this was to test the basic structural components and interactions early on to test the usability of the app. User testing was conducted to gather insights for iteration.

Wireflow of sharing a recipe


Throughout testing, four pain points in the user journey were revealed. Revising the following for improvement in the high-fidelity prototype is a key step towards making the user experience as pain-free as possible.

Limited Visibility

Some of the font sizes were too small for users to clearly read information.

Visual Clarity

Iconography wasn't very intuitive for users, especially the messaging icon.

Lacking Familiarity

Messaging location felt out of place and meal planning lacked familiar features.

Usability Issues

The current home feed confused users. A vertically scrolling screen seems preferred.


Final Designs

After accounting for the feedback from the low-fidelity prototype, a high-fidelity prototype was created. Each  challenge was addressed and reflected in the final designs

Challenge 1

Challenge 1

Support social functionality in the recipe discovery process

With the implementation of features such as social media profiles, messaging, and user generated content, FlavorLabs cultivates a social recipe sharing experience.

Challenge 2

Challenge 2

Redesign recipe posting with a focus on limiting typing

By using a prompt-based design, users no longer have to rely on writing out each individual word. Users can select an action and a potential ingredient that the recipe typically calls for.

Challenge 3

Challenge 3

Support meal planning, dietary, and allergen user needs

Users can read the nutrition information underneath a recipe where it communicates which diet the recipe supports. Additionally, user can create a meal plan and select which days it applies to.

Challenge 4

Challenge 4

Create experiences that promote healthy diets

By promoting different categories of 'healthy' diet users can select which category applies to their dietary goals most. This creates a more holistic experience when discovering new 'healthy' recipes.



This project was an extremely fulfilling experience due to the problems my redesign attempts to address. My designs still require more improvement, however, this was out of the project's scope. In the future, I would like to possibly continue user testing for further iteration and possibly launch this design to test the actual impact it has on users!

Additional Case Studies